- Mouse over the menu on the left to see the description for each dataset -
This collection of on-line databases and custom built search and retrieval programs are maintained by Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) at the University of Toronto.
The Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System (CANSIM) is Statistics Canada's key socioeconomic database. Updated daily, CANSIM provides fast and easy access to a large range of the latest statistics available in Canada. CANSIM comprises over 40 million time series and thousands of tables.
- Track trends
- Analyze market potential
- Study economic activity
- Make investment decisions
- Evaluate social conditions
- Conduct feasibility studies
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- Plan programs or services
- Profile demographics
CANSIM @ CHASS features:
- Most frequently retrieved series by Academia
- Search by text, table number or time series number
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- Various download formats
- Historical versions of CANSIM (available only at CHASS)
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CANSIM @ CHASS is updated daily via a direct data feed from Statistics Canada.
Access is allowed to the following subscribers.
Visit CANSIM website.
The census provides a statistical portrait of Canada and its people.
Census data is commonly used for research, business marketing, and planning as well as a base for sampling surveys.
CENSUS @ CHASS features:
- Profile files at enumeration areas, census tracts, census divisions, census subdivisions, federal electoral districts or provincials levels, some data going back to 1961
- Public use microdata from 1971 to latest CENSUS via SDA software(Survey Documentation and Analysis): web-based analysis of survey data
- Postal code conversion files for the 2006, 2001 and 1996 CENSUS data
- Import and use the data with analytical or GIS mapping software
- ishadow
Access is allowed to the following subscribers.
Visit CENSUS website.
UT/DLS: Microdata Analysis and Subsetting provides interactive access to a growing list of selected microdata files via Berkeley's software SDA (Survey Documentation and Analysis).
SDA@CHASS provides:
- Among and within datafile variable-level searching
- Analyses: cross-tabulations, comparison of means, correlations, multiple and logistic regression, with all standard measures of significance, direction etc.
- Recoding and computing of new variables, including sharing recoded variables with other users
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- Downloading fixed-field or csv format, subsets or entire datafile, and SAS, SPSS and/or Stata syntax, as well as DDI compliant XML
- Multi-lingual interface and content support
SDA @ CHASS archive:
- Over 1,000 searchable datasets
- Additional microdata files can be loaded into the SDA interface on users requests
- Partial bilingual
Access is allowed to the following shadowsock如何使用.
Visit SDA @ CHASS website.
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Canadian trade data contains monthly trade statistics, 1988 to latest available, showing quantity and value (CDN $), HS10 (imports)/HS8(exports) (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System) classification, province or state of the U.S., country of origin/destination, and dutiable trade indicator and amount.
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Trade Analyser @ CHASS features:
- Various levels of data aggregation
- Commodities search
- Bilingual
Access is allowed to the following subscribers.
Visit TRADE Analyser website.
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- expanded monthly data set includes: betas; earnings per share; volume; and transactions, amongst other data
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CFMRC/TSX @ CHASS is updated annually (in the spring).
Access is allowed to the following shadowsock如何使用.
Visit CFMRC/TSX Annual website.
Canadian Financial Markets Research Centre (CFMRC) summary information database (or CFMRC TSX database for short) includes daily and monthly Toronto Stock Exchange trading information about specific securities as well as information on "price adjustments" such as dividends, stock splits, recapitalizations, etc. The database also includes daily and monthly indexes containing information on daily and monthly index levels as well as selected other financial markets information.
CFMRC/TSX highlights:
- expanded daily data set includes opening as well as closing data for: prices; bids; asks; trades; and volumes, amongst other information
- expanded monthly data set includes: betas; earnings per share; volume; and transactions, amongst other data
- expanded daily and monthly index data sets which include: a selection of interest and exchange rates; TMX Group indices; new under- and over- $2.00 indices, as well as other data
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Access is allowed to the following subscribers.
Visit shadowdersocks下载 website.
The TSX eReview and ishadow are monthly PDF publications produced by TSX Datalinx, an operating group of TMX Group Inc.
Extensive and authoritative coverage of market, trading and corporate events for the Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange are provided in the TSX eReview and TSX Venture eReview, respectively. Sourced and verified by the exchanges, the eReviews are excellent tools to keep you informed on trading and corporate information for Canada’s primary stock exchanges.
The TSX eReview provides extensive coverage of market, trading and corporate events for Toronto Stock Exchange listed companies through the following seven chapters:
- Market highlights and statistics
- Securities highlights
- Stock list changes
- Corporate actions
- Terms and conditions
- Trading information
- Index information
The TSX Venture eReview is a comprehensive monthly digest of trading activity and corporate information for companies listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (including NEX). Each issue has extensive coverage of market and corporate data, including:
- Trading data
- Market movers
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- Financings
- Index information
TSX eReviews @ CHASS are updated monthly.
Access to TSX eReview is restricted to the following shadowdersocksr安卓下载.
Access to TSX Venture eReview is restricted to the following subscribers.
Visit TSX eReviews website.
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"Industry norms" is a concept of juxtaposing an individual company's balance sheet and income statement ratios against "norms" derived from the industry group (as per the SIC code) to which the company belongs.
D&B INKBR @ CHASS features:
- Retrieve all three groups of key business ratios (14 ratios in total) for industries classified by SIC codes
- Web tool to compare a company's data with its industry norms
- Historical database versions back to 2004
D&B INKBR @ CHASS is updated twice a year (January and June).
Access is allowed to the following subscribers.
Visit D&B INKBR website.
Fundata Mutual Fund Database
The Fundata Mutual Fund Database includes information for over 4000 active funds from almost 200 sponsor companies. Information includes fund status, type, RRSP indicators, sales/redemption charge, currency, dividend frequency, management fees, expense ratios, and percentage foreign invested.
For each fund you may also retrieve:
- Time series of data
- Listing changes in total net assets
- Income and capital gain dividend per share
- Share balance and value of investment
FUNDATA MF @ CHASS is updated monthly.
Access is allowed to the following subscribers.
Visit FPMF website.
Basic Economics
The Citicorp macroeconomic database Basic Economics formerly known as CITIBASE, provides annual, quarterly, and monthly data about economic activities in the United States. The database contains approximately 9,500 series about finance, industrial production, energy, productivity, prices, population and labor, and national income. It also includes various forecasts, population projections, and cyclical indicators.
The information available in this database includes, but is not limited to:
- Money supply measures
- Interest rates and yields
- Banking assets
- Unemployment rates
- Employment rates
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- Business investment
- National income and product accounts
- Industrial production
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- Productivity statistics
- Price indexes, foreign trade and exchange and
- Interest rates
Basic Economics @ CHASS is updated as new information becomes available.
Access is allowed to the following subscribers.
Visit shadowdersocks下载 website.
CRSP Database provides access NYSE/AMEX/Nasdaq daily and monthly security prices and other historical data related to over 20,000 companies. The data is provided by the Center for Research in Security Prices, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.
CRSP stock data includes data from NYSE, Amex, NASDAQ, and NYSE Arca stock exchanges. The following items are included in CRSP stock database:
- Common Stocks
- Certificates
- ADRs
- Shares of Beneficial Interest
- Units (Depository Units, Units of Beneficial Interest, Units of Limited
- Partnership Interest, Depository Receipts, etc.
- Closed-End Mutual Funds
- Foreigns on NYSE, Amex, NASDAQ, and NYSE Arca
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- HOLDRs Trusts
- REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)
CRSP @ CHASS is updated annually (January).
Access is allowed to the following subscribers.
Visit CRSP website.
Penn World Tables
The Penn World Table (PWT) displays a set of national accounts economic time series covering many countries. Its expenditure entries are denominated in a common set of prices in a common currency so that real quantity comparisons can be made, both between countries and over time. It also provides information about relative prices within and between countries, as well as demographic data and capital stock estimates.
CHASS is also hosting the historical Penn World Tables, Mark 5.6. This version includes the Summers/Heston macroeconomic data set covering 30 subjects for 152 countries. The data covers years 1950-1992.
Access is allowed to anyone.
Visit Penn World Table (PWT) website.